
Alternatives to Criminalization of People Who Use Substances Community of Interest

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The Alternatives to Criminalization of People Who Use Substances Community of Interest (CoI) has wrapped up as of March 31, 2024.

The goal of this CoI was to build understanding and support stakeholders and decision-makers in pursuing alternatives to the criminalization of people who use/used substances. Together, members worked to tackle stigma related to substance use and shift the perception of substance use from being a criminal issue to a health issue in need of health-based interventions and responses.

CoI Objectives

The objectives of this CoI were to:

CoI Co-Leads

With knowledge mobilization support provided by David Phillips, Knowledge Broker, Provincial System Support Program (PSSP), CAMH, David.Phillips@camh.ca 


Participants across Ontario and beyond learned about work underway related to decriminalization. The group shared resources, created opportunities for service providers to connect and learn from each other, and organized engaging presentations that highlighted important and innovative initiatives.

Resources that the group co-developed are listed below. 

Join our online forum on EENet Connect to stay connected!

Check out the rest of EENet's CoIs/CoPs here: https://kmb.camh.ca/eenet/communities.