
Mental Health Promotion in Public Health Community of Practice

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The Mental Health Promotion in Public Health Community of Practice brings together public health practitioners from Ontario's 36 public health units who are working to promote mental health across the lifespan.

The purpose of the community of practice is to connect, share and explore evidence-informed practices and practice-informed evidence related to the practice of mental health promotion in public health.

The objectives are:

  1. Increase collaboration and partnership across public health units.
  2. Support public health practice in response to provincial priorities, which includes Ontario’s 10-year Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and the modernized Ontario Public Health Standards.
  3. Improve access to high-quality evidence and evaluated programs to support more efficient program and policy development/implementation.
  4. Develop a common language and promote a shared understanding of mental health promotion. 
  5. Provide a forum for meaningful discussion regarding trending topics pertaining to mental health promotion at a provincial level.

Contact: Katy Peacock, peacockk@phsd.ca

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