
Train the trainer webinar series: Strategies to enhance the quality and practical use of OCAN

EENet and the Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) Community of Interest presented this webinar.

Most organizations have designated OCAN trainers to complement Ontario Health’s self-directed OCAN eLearning course. This blended training approach enhances the quality and use of OCAN information to help meet the needs of clients. But what activities can OCAN trainers facilitate to complement the eLearning modules?

Watch this two-part, interactive, train-the-trainer webinar series for OCAN trainers, managers and others who are interested. In these sessions, we reviewed revised training and practice manuals that include activities you can implement to effectively use quality OCAN information to support a recovery approach.

Learning objectives

After watching this two-part webinar series, you will:

Webinar 1: Training activities to enhance the quality of OCANs

Live event date: Wednesday, October 26

Watch and/or download the recording here

Facilitator: Jennifer Zosky, Clinical Assessment Specialist, Ontario Health

Guest speaker: Annalisa Rasmussen, Clinical Program Manager – Bramalea Care Collaborative and High Priority Community Strategy, Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin

Webinar 1 learning objectives:

Webinar 2: Practice guidelines for using OCAN content to support client recovery

Live event date: Wednesday, November 2

Watch and/or download the recording here

Facilitator: Jennifer Zosky, Clinical Assessment Specialist, Ontario Health

Guest speaker: Terri Jackson, Clinical Manager, Canadian Mental Health Association, Niagara

Webinar 2 learning objectives:

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