
Webinar recording: Elder abuse: A closer look

About the webinar

Elder abuse is a substantial problem in Canada, affecting 8 – 10 per cent of older adults yearly. The abuse is not just physical. It also includes psychological, financial, and sexual abuse and neglect.

On May 4, the Understanding mental health and well-being in later life project team hosted an event to provide an overview of elder abuse and elder abuse prevention. The following topics were covered: 

This recorded webinar is particularly relevant for those who provide support to older adults in health care or social services in Ontario.

Live event date: Thursday, May 4, 2023.

Download the presentation slides and the EAPO Elder Abuse Response Guide

Watch below and/or download the webinar recording

About the presenter

Laura Proctor is a consultant and communications lead with Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, with two decades of experience specializing in the field of elder abuse and victim services, where she has a background in front-line crisis intervention and response, support, and referral, along with advocacy efforts. Laura has utilized her frontline knowledge in providing compassionate leadership within the non-profit sector. Laura currently delivers Provincial Elder Abuse training, public awareness, collaborates with key stakeholders to enhance the response to elder abuse, along with on-going consultations on complex elder abuse cases. Laura strongly believes and promotes the rights for all no matter your age. 

About Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) is the provincial organization recognized for its leadership in elder abuse prevention in the province, providing education, training, resource development, and information about the increasingly complex issues of elder abuse.

EAPO is committed to working collaboratively with government and community partners, across all sectors, to ensure support for seniors is optimized. In doing so, EAPO is helping break down barriers, whether language, cultural, accessibility challenges, or fundamental gaps in knowledge to improve the quality of life and well-being of seniors and their families. This is particularly relevant during the ongoing impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

About the Understanding mental health and well-being in later life project

The Understanding mental health and well-being in later life project is led by the Provincial System Support Program at CAMH. The project aims to raise awareness among older adults about mental health and substance use issues and to share resources with older adults and service providers. To reach the project team at PSSP, please email olderadults@camh.ca.

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