
Fourth International Housing First Conference: Day two

Access all recordings from the Fourth International Housing First Conference.

The Fourth International Housing First Conference was held virtually on October 5 - 7, 2021, with a goal to enhance capacity to implement Housing First programs in Canada and internationally with a high level of fidelity to the Pathways Housing First model. View the conference program.

Housing First in Finland

Saija Turunen

Moderator: Tim Aubry

Saija talks about the special characteristics of the Finnish Housing First model. The presentation looks into the development of the model, key achievements and lessons learnt.

Keynote: Housing First in Finland from EENet on Vimeo.

Download the presentation summary [PDF].

Concurrent Block 3

Session 11: HF for survivors of domestic violence (Moderator: Ronni Greenwood)

HF for survivors of domestic violence [Vimeo].

Session 12: Harm reduction in HF (Moderator: Lisa Medd)

Harm reduction in HF [Vimeo].

Session 13: Systemic responses to growing HF (Moderator: Tim Aubry)

Systemic responses to growing HF [Vimeo]

Session 14: International adaptations of HF (Moderator: Eric Latimer)

International adaptations of HF [Vimeo].

Session 15: Lived experience and Housing First: Peer and Indigenous perspectives (Al Wiebe, Don Robinson; Moderator: Geoff Nelson)

In this session, two perspectives on lived experience and Housing First are explored: peer and Indigenous. Through a facilitated discussion, presenters share their experience. Two participants from the Winnipeg Housing First programs in the At Home / Chez Soi project share their experiences regarding their roles, activities, formats, training, and personal impacts. The session will provide a rich opportunity for sharing experiences from two Winnipeg, Canada. Ample time will be allotted to the audience for questions for and answers from the panel.

Lived experience and Housing First: Peer and Indigenous perspectives [Vimeo].

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