
Online course: A primer on health equity, diversity and anti-racism

Aging and mental health: A primer on health equity, diversity and anti-racism

Understanding mental health and well-being in later life invites you to complete a valuable training module for service providers working with older adults.

This free, self-directed online course is designed to increase your awareness of the social and structural factors influencing the mental health of older adults from immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialized (IRER) groups.

Access the course.

In this course, we discuss health inequities experienced by older adults and social determinants of mental health, the role of culture in mental health, the impact of racism at different levels, the diversity and resilience of populations, as well as the concepts of anti-racism, anti-oppression, inclusion and cultural humility—strategies for working with diverse populations.

These topics are complex and of major consequence. This course provides an introduction to raise awareness rather than a comprehensive review of these topics. We invite you to use this introductory course as the beginning of a “call to action”—a commitment to and journey of your own reflection and unlearning. This is difficult work, but long overdue and necessary.

Learning objectives

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

Interested in learning more?

Read more about this project and sign up to be a workshop facilitator.

For any questions, please contact olderadults@camh.ca.

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