What We Do
KMb teams use a variety of approaches to identify, gather, summarize, and share evidence with those who need it most. They work to understand needs for evidence across diverse groups. This includes identifying knowledge assets and knowledge sharing gaps. Our team works intentionally to broker connections and facilitate knowledge sharing among researchers, service providers, policy makers, community groups, and people who use mental healthcare services. We also hold expertise in integrating and transforming evidence from different sources into knowledge resources that hold credible, collective wisdom and help guide meaningful action.
Our Work:

Strategic Knowledge Transfer
This work involves the systematic sharing of new or best available evidence on a prioritized topic to select audiences with the goal of informing, or guiding specified, desirable changes to healthcare practices, policies, and services or to individual and organizational behaviours.

Community-based KMB
This work emphasizes community collaboration and leadership in equity-centred ways that consider both individual health outcomes and broader community health. Here, KMb teams help build and sustain connections across diverse community groups. They also collaborate closely with community representatives to ensure pressing needs for evidence are met.
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This work emphasizes continuous learning about who we serve and how we can best serve them. We want to make data-informed decisions about how KMb teams can maximize their value and impact to our partners and communities. We use a variety of evaluation methods to achieve this goal and are always grateful for feedback.

Knowledge Synthesis
This work involves timely, relevant, rigorous, accessible, and trustworthy syntheses of evidence from both peer-reviewed academic research and grey literature. Our teams emphasize responsiveness to different stakeholders' evidence priorities. We strive for transparency and attention to equity as we select from the broad range of synthesis products that are available.

Our teams work in service of various provincial, institutional, and community partners to co-design, develop, implement, and sustain programs that build system capacity across the mental health and addictions landscape.
Find out moreQuick Links
Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) and EENet Connect
Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) connects people with people and people with evidence. We create and share accessible resources to enable action and inform decisions.
Explore timely and evidence-informed resources, such as Research Snapshots, infographics, videos, webinars, and more.
VisitGambling, Gaming, and Technology Use
Gambling, Gaming, and Technology Use (GGTU) provides addictions and mental health service providers with training and education opportunities, digital tools and resources, and knowledge sharing expertise on problem gambling and gaming.
VisitUnderstanding Mental Health and Well-being in Later Life
This initiative raises awareness of mental health and substance use issues among older adults and responds to the unique needs of older adults from immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural, and racialized groups.
Access workshops and multilingual mental health resources for older adults and service providers.
VisitAdditional CAMH Resources
Our team ensures service providers and other stakeholders can access important resources offered by CAMH.
CAMH Professionals Portal
CAMH Collaborative Learning College
CAMH Education’s courses and trainings