
Join the Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) Community of Interest Working Group

What is the opportunity?

We are looking for people with lived/living experience of mental health concerns (and their family members and/or identified caregivers) who have some familiarity with OCAN to join our working group. This working group will comprise clinical service providers, program managers, system administrators and people who have lived/living experience, family and/or caregivers.

More about the OCAN Community of Interest

OCAN is the standardized assessment instrument used in the community mental health sector. This assessment supports conversations between service providers and their clients. It helps to understand the people’s current situation better, needs and strengths, and to develop a service plan. OCAN assesses needs in 24 areas called “domains." OCAN supports a recovery approach with the inclusion of a self-assessment component documenting the service user’s perspective on their needs.

OCAN Graphic. Areas of Need: Accommodation, Alcohol, Basic Education, Benefits, Child care, Communication, Company, Daytime activities, Drugs, Food, Information on condition and treatment, Intimate relationships, Looking after home, Money, Other addictions, Other dependents, Physical health, Psychological distress, Psychotic symptoms, , Safety to others, Safety to self, Self-care, Sexual expression, Transportation.

The OCAN Community of Interest aims to provide a forum for sharing OCAN-related information and recovery-oriented practices using OCAN and share approaches to using OCAN data for quality improvement planning.

The OCAN Community of Interest is co-led by the Canadian Mental Health Association's Peel Dufferin branch and Ontario Health with the support of the Provincial System Support Program’s Knowledge Mobilization team at CAMH.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for people who have experienced mental health and have accessed mental health and addiction services, including family members/caregivers who support them. In particular, we are looking for people who:

To help ensure our working group meets the diverse needs and priorities of all Ontarians, we want to include people who may be underserved by our current system, including:

We need your help to do this work!

Activities may include:

We encourage attendance and active participation at all meetings. Participants will receive an honorarium for their involvement.

Time commitment

The group will meet virtually (using Webex or telephone) for about 1 hour per month. A Terms of Reference will be approved by the membership.

Expressions of Interest

If you are interested in participating in this working group, please contact Rossana.Coriandoli@camh.ca by October 31, 2023. A brief and confidential meeting (videoconference) will be held with each interested individual to determine the best fit.

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