
Greenstone Collaborative

The Challenge

The Greenstone region includes five small communities and six First Nations, spread across 3,172 square km., with limited resources for a large geography. 

The communities found themselves with decreased staffing due to the pandemic, and they were also under-volunteered since seniors, who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, make up a large portion of Greenstone’s volunteers.

The Greenstone Collaborative has been established for several years already, holding regular meetings to work on local issues. The pandemic brought about a need for organizations to work together, which was a natural fit for collaborative.

The Solution

The Process


For more information on Greenstone Collaborative, please, contact: Nicole Beaulieu  Nicole.Beaulieu@nosp.on.ca

North of Superior Counselling Programs Bilingual LogoThunder Bay District Health Unit LogoOpp LogoP.a.c.e.Greenstone Victim Services LogoGreenstone Family Health Team LogoL'hopital Du District De Geraldton District Hospital LogoMunicipality of Greenstone Logo

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