
Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION)

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EPION represents early psychosis intervention (EPI) programs who share a collective interest in quality services for youth and their families, this existing collaborative is called the Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network or EPION.

EPION has grown and matured as a grass roots organization, from advocating for funding of programs in early days, education and training of EPI staff, to assisting member programs in assessing their compliance and implementation of MoHLTC EPI Standards. EPION has quickly grown from five original sites to over 50 programs across Ontario. At present EPION is an organization that sets the bar high in order to meet EPI Standards and maintain fidelity to the evidence-based EPI model. Over the next year, EPION will find ways to celebrate 10 years as an organization that has successfully remained vibrant and relevant to its members.

Read about the evolution of a provincial network, how Ontario’s early psychosis intervention grassroots grew.

You can also follow EPION on Twitter.

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