
District of Thunder Bay: Rural education and mental health collective

The Challenge

The start of the pandemic in the North has been described by some as “everything going silent”. Small communities scattered across a large geographical area suddenly disconnected. In the rural region of the Thunder Bay District, both educators and mental health providers immediately understood that relationships and connection would be critical to the well-being of children, youth, and families through the experience of COVID-19.

The Solution

The Process


For more information on Rural Education and Mental Health Collective – District of Thunder Bay, please, contact:

Superior Greenstone District School Board LogoDilico Anishinabek Family Care LogoConseil Scolaire De District Catholique Des Aurores Boréales LogoChildrens Aid Society of The District of Thunder Bay LogoSuperior North Catholic Dsb LogoNorth of Superior Counselling Programs Bilingual LogoMarjorie House LogoOntario Logo

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