
Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use Community of Interest

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What is it?

The Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use Community of Interest (CoI) is an online community that supports collaboration between addiction and mental health service providers, researchers and experts in gambling, technology/Internet use and video gaming.

What does it offer?

The Community of Interest offers an online platform to:

How do you join?

Go to EENet Connect, then:

  1. Sign up for a free account on EENetConnect.ca
  2. Find the name of the CoI under the list of subgroups in the site’s main menu
  3. Select “Join this subgroup”
  4. Save the CoI’s URL in your browser for direct access

Note: You don’t need to join to view the conversation, but joining will let you post your own content, respond to others’ posts, and be notified when new content is posted!

